Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why this blog?

     I am raising my sons bilingual, in French and English.  My son has recently started seeing a Speech-Language Pathology for a speech disorder, possibly Apraxia.  We live in the United States are are having a very hard time finding resources in French for Speech-Language Pathology.  I am also afraid to order too many books from France without seeing them first, and the shipping prices are exorbitant.  Our Speech-Language Pathologist is Trilingual, and fabulous, but she cannot dedicate the time and money to order and create supplies in French for just one or two Francophone patients.  What I plan to do on this site, is say what our SLP has told us to do for that week for homework (including the English Activity if applicable), and my attempt on replicating that to work in French. 
     Word lists with beginning, middle and end sounds are something that I've come to realize is key for Speech-Language Pathology.  As my son practices new sounds with his SLP, I will try and update my French word lists with the new sounds/positions for your benefit.